precision medicine
A targeted approach to health
At Proving Ground Health, naturopath and health and development coach Chris McAtomney specializes in bespoke health plans and coaching for over 30s.
'My mission is to help you transcend the cycle of self sabotage and achieve optimal physical, mental, and spiritual alignment. Through personalized behavioural, nutritional, and physical frameworks, I'll guide you on a transformative journey toward a healthier, more empowered you.'
Coach Chris McAtomney brings a depth of life experience uncommon amongst health practitioners.
'For much of my life, the biggest thing standing between me and optimal health, was me.
As a species, we exist in a civilisation ill equipped to meet our deepest needs. Consequently, it's now harder than ever to thrive as a human, and to make choices that are in alignment with our higher purpose. We must adapt.
Expelled from high school, I went on to squander over a decade of my life in the throes of drug addiction and self destruction, in a futile quest for solace. Blessed and determined enough to have survived this proving ground unscathed, in the process, I garnered invaluable knowledge and insight into what drives us as humans, and what it takes not just to survive, but to thrive.
Our lives are a milieu of peaks and troughs. The troughs are just as valuable as the peaks. Learning how to traverse this terrain by better understanding ourselves, becoming accountable, and mastering our health, is fundamental to the ultimate pursuit of absolute self mastery.'
a mosaic of lived experience
Behind every chiseled physique and every success story, is a robust and adaptive mindset. I dig deep to discover your subconsious helps and hinderances and I use quantitative labratory and bloodwork data to identify deficiencies.
As a naturopath, I adhere to the principle of 'Doctor as Teacher'. My objective is to enable and educate you to manage your own health.
I do not treat the symptom, I seek to isolate and treat the cause.
All illness and disease is a result of one of three things: an excess of, an exposure to, or a deficiency of something. Once the body has what it requires, and anything obstructing it has been removed, I work with the body's innate intelligence and ability to heal itself.
my methodology